Happy 2014!
Happy 2014 to all! May your year be blessed with health and happiness.
I don’t make New Years Resolutions, but I do make year-long goals (is that the same thing?). I made 14 goals for 2014, and they are:
1. Finish my dissertation
2. Potty-train Ruffy (our dog)
3. Clean out / Organize the basement
4. Remodel the upstairs and get a new tenant
5. Save up and purchase an elliptical
6. Stick with the Paleo diet 90/10
7. Make a big dent in my student loans
8. Plant and eat my own vegetables / herbs
9. Create a family recipe book
10. Finish my handmade Christmas gifts by November
11. Use our wedding china
12. Go on at least one vacation
13. Go parasailing (I mean… why not?)
14. Cook an entire dinner for my family
Do you have any exciting plans or goals for 2014? I’d love to hear about them!