The Back-To-School Fairy came!
Yay! The Back-To-School Fairy stopped by Room 204!
I’m very excited about a few things I ordered in the spring. Back to School shopping is such an exhilarating activity – it’s something I’ve loved to do ever since elementary school. Ahhhh…. the smell of new supplies! It’s better than roses!
What I ordered:
- Desk Calendar
- Page Protectors
- Manilla Folders – one for each student
- Stickers (yes, even 8th graders love stickers)
- Black Pens
- Blue Pens
- Lightbulbs (I have several lamps in my room for when we are using the SMARTBoard and the room lights are off)
- Highlighters
- Sharpies
- Index cards
- Invisible Tape + Dispenser
- EXPO Markers for my whiteboards
- Whiteboard erasers
- Twist-n-Write Pen/Pencil – have you ever tried these? They are fantastic!
- Pencils
- Paper Clips
- Binder Clips
- Whiteout
- An ELECTRIC Stapler! I squeal with excitement!
- An ELECTRIC Pencil Sharpener! Be still my heart!
- Another crazy super-powered stapler that can do 30 sheets at a time (P.S. WHY do my students always manage to break these? I buy 2 new ones every year!)
- A Magnetic File holder (This is where I have students turn in their work)
I have a few things yet that I will be purchasing with my own money:
- Candy (incentives). Since I must be mindful of nut and dairy allergies, I usually get Smarties, Dum-dums, Jolly Ranchers, Peppermints, etc. Even those aren’t safe from allergies, however. I had a student who was allergic to food coloring 🙁
- Granola bars and snacks for the students who forgot breakfast/lunch.
- A silver Sharpie so I can try out this new idea I saw on Pinterest for a Reading Graffiti Wall. Expect a detailed post once I have finished it!
- Some fashion duct tape so I can make flags on my pencils. They always walk off!
I’m curious to see how much of these supplies I actually use this year, given that we are going one-to-one with iPads. I know there will still be a significant amount of handwriting, and we aren’t going completely paperless yet. I imagine my supply list will dwindle each year as we get used to relying more on our electronics.
Do you think there is anything I missed? Do you have some Back-To-School items that you always purchase?